Saturday, April 06, 2013

How to measure the progress of non-profits?

Here is an interesting article on a way of measuring the progress of non-profits. This article also describes the efforts that are being taken to create an industry based standards for measuring the progress.The two organisations that are involved in creating such standards are Sustainability Accounting standards Board and International Integrating Reporting Council.

More importantly, it describes the four simple steps that one can take to create a Report card of Non profits

1. Identify the social issues to Target ( say, Education to Underprivileged children)
2. Make a Business Case ( How to target it and how to measure it)
3. Track Progress ( Measure the progress by tracking the metrics)
4. Reassess the concept and identify new values ( Find new ways to Educate Underprivileged children)

If you are interested in funding a NGO, please ensure if it has gone through these four steps.

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